Tuesday 25 May 2010

Magazine Analysis [2]

For Him Magainze, more formally known as FHM oringinally known as FH (For Him) in 1985. A classic home style with the big 'FHM' logo glued to the top of left of the magazine but slightly cut out by the model shown in the image, this is due to the fact that when someone sees the big red 'FH' they immediately know what magazine they are picking up to look at.

A bonus strip is printed to the top right of the magazine page, this is a promotional offer which shows funding and advertisement straight off the bat.

This is not a music magazine however it has helped me develop a more homely house style to my magazine and has influenced the contents being on down the left hand side as well as the almost cheesy tag line "Shows you the ropes!" which is a clear indication that men want to know what Torrie Wilson is hiding beneath those ropes around her shoulders saying that it is revealed inside the magazine will garuntee a sale to the average man.


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