Tuesday 25 May 2010

"House Style"?

I asked myself the question;

Why is having a "House Style" important?

I feel as if this question needs to be answered in order for me to continue developing my magazine house style let alone the final piece!

A House style gives off a very proffesional vibe - something that is most definately needed to succeed in the industry. A House style and a catchy name can really give off a good vibe from the beginning and make a magazine become successful and popular very quickly! Only if applied appropriately and not put to waste will a magazine succeed.

Below are 2 examples of "VOGUE". Vogue is a womens magazine that is internationally known for womens fashion and culture, like the female version of 'GQ'.

The examples show a definate house style and how the editors and designers of the magazine manage to keep the house style in all issues of the magazine published.


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