Tuesday 25 May 2010

Initial Research

Before starting our magazine, we have to research many other magazines to adopt styles and use of language. We wish to use a style which inhabits a use of colloquial language as well as being conservative in our approach. We are aiming for our audience to be between 16 and 35. This means we will have to reference new bands and music which is heard by this market. That is why we have chosen to have to core of our magazine to be dance. This includes genres such as techno, Drum and Bass, experimental etc. So it would be appropriate to research other music magazines as well as standard ‘Lad’s Mags ’. The aim of doing this is to get a bigger picture on what sells and what people will buy and consider a great buy which applies well to a majority crowd. We will also look at cult magazines and see what aspects of that make it high in quality and what makes it have a great following.


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