Tuesday 25 May 2010

My Final [FRONT]

This is my final front cover for 'Tempo' magazine.
It relates to the home style exactly. A fun futuristic image on the front with a 'cool' general font style! Promotion bottom left and barcode bottom right finish off the task of making my magazine professional.


This is my final copy of the double page spread interview which i created.
Easy to read, aesthetically pleasing interview with nice images of "DJ Darkhorse".
I am very pleased with the outcome of my interview. I am proud of the editting of the pictures, borders and the speckled background to the page is a particularly nice touch!


This is the final product of my contents page.
It is basic, simple but unique - which is exactly what i wanted the outcome to be like!
I am pleased with my contents page and my target audience were happy with it too.

Yet Another Question!

The question this time;

What is the point of a contents page?

Contents pages are filled with the same old infomation.
A short sentance or title to sum up a few pages of the magazine e.g "Interview with Kanye - page 27" means that on page 27 there is an interview with Kanye West and if you wish to read it you may want to turn to that page.

A contents page is a very brief page by page summary of the magazine and is important so that the readers can get straight to what part of the magazine they wish to read.


Contents Page Analysis [1]

'ICON' is a monthly magazine about classic hollywood film stars and classic culture.
Their contents page is posted above.
This is a standard yet unique content style page.
A large image to the right hand side making it look a bit 'main pagey' although the contents are clearly stated on the left hand side in a recurring order titled "departments".

Double Page Analysis [1]

This is a double page spread from 'Vogue' Magazine.
2 Main images on seperate pages. The images have writing on them that relate to the front of the magazine and give a little background infomation on why the image is in the magazine. More than often quotes are put over the image or around the image to make readers willing to read on with the interview and see when and where the quote is stated.
Writing is around the images of either the interview or in this case fashion opinions. This is an international style that is customised in unique styles by differently companies and edited week by week ready to publish.

House Style [INTERVIEW]

This is my house style for a double page spread of an interview. The final piece will be filled in the gaps clearly indicated in the above image. Once again it is easy to read, clear, although unique it is an international magazine style.

House Style [FRONT]

Above is my house style for 'Tempo' Magazine.
It is basic although complex, Unique yet international and most of all going to work wonders with the public!

Another question.

What makes a magazine a 'magazine'?

So i was designing a house style for the magazine and was stopped in my tracks by this question that popped into my head.

What i could come up with;
  • Images
  • Captions
  • Promotion/Advertisement
  • Barcode
  • Content
  • Advice
  • Opinions
  • 'Juicy Stories'

So the next step for me is to incorporate all the subjects in the above list and put them all into my magazine house style.

Title Style Development [2]

Im pleased to say that what i previously stated about the title style becomming illegable has not happened! The style is easy to read, clear and most definately aesthetically pleasing.
Here are another 6 different variations of the title style which WILL be used in the final production of 'Tempo' Magainze!

"House Style"?

I asked myself the question;

Why is having a "House Style" important?

I feel as if this question needs to be answered in order for me to continue developing my magazine house style let alone the final piece!

A House style gives off a very proffesional vibe - something that is most definately needed to succeed in the industry. A House style and a catchy name can really give off a good vibe from the beginning and make a magazine become successful and popular very quickly! Only if applied appropriately and not put to waste will a magazine succeed.

Below are 2 examples of "VOGUE". Vogue is a womens magazine that is internationally known for womens fashion and culture, like the female version of 'GQ'.

The examples show a definate house style and how the editors and designers of the magazine manage to keep the house style in all issues of the magazine published.


Title Style Colour Variations

Above are 6 different variations of the style title which we chose to use for our house style magazine.

I like all of these examples however i feel as if they are beginning to become rather complex. I fear that the title will become illegible if the colour and border edits dont make it archaic!

I look forward to seeing what the final title will look like and how i decided to apply the house style to the magazines which will be produced.


Title Development

Above are 5 different style variations of the title for our magazine which after questionaires and debate we decided to call 'Tempo'
The style which i have chosen to use is the middle one.
My reasons for this are;
  • It is clear
  • It is easy to understand
  • It is not complex
  • It can be easilly applied to the magazine which would be updated weekly.


Questionaire & Feedback.

I asked 30 people the questions posted in a table above in order to gain common ground with my target audience. Without this vital infomation i cannot procede to my next stage of designing the magazine.
From looking at the first question it is clear that the people asked chose tempo as their favourite with volume a close second. This means that our name for our magazine will be 'TEMPO'.
The second question asked whether the audience would prefer to see a magazine with a house style or a different layout to the front cover each week. The information given made it quiete clear that the audience would be much more attracted to a house style for the magazine, therefore we will use a house style in our magaizne cover.

Question 3 and 4 are linked the question asked 'would you be more likely to buy a magazine if there was a special offer with it?' the answers came back 29 with he answer yes and one person said no. This shows we are going to be more popular if we use a special offer. Question 4 then asked what the special offer would preferably be. 18 answered free cd, 7 answered money off next issue. These were clearly the most popular choices. This shows it would be better to use a free cd give away on the front cover.

The 5th question asked whether the magazine should follow the same genre each week or not, 26 chose to cover a different genre each week, therefore we will follow a different genre each week for example minimal techno, drum and bass and dubstep.

Magazine Analysis [SUMMARY]

After analysing three magazines (GQ, FHM & MIXMAG) i can say that i have been influenced in designing my own magazine style in a unique but international style garunteed to lure the audience.

What did i like?
  • The General house styles of the magazines analysed
  • Aesthetically pleasing colours and titles.
  • Catchy titles for the companies.
  • Main image being big, bold and an authorative figure.

What would i do differently?

  • A different aproach to the promotions on the front of magazines will be taken into account during my development of my own magazine
  • An alternative aproach to the image on the front, a main image will be present however i will fiddle around with a bit of editing skills which i shall develop throughout the process of magazine creation.


Magazine Analysis [3]

Gentlemans Quarterly, more commonly known as GQ Magazine is a magazine based around style, culture and mens fashion.
Its main competition is 'FHM' and 'MAXIM' Magazines. This backs up points made earlier in the Brainstorm which i posted.
Promotion is once again stamped to the bottom of this magazine "50centonline.com" advertising the main man on the front of the magazine who is featured within the pages.
Much like FHM and MIXMAG this magazine has a few 'sneak peaks' of the contents stapled to the left hand side of the magazine front cover. Different fonts/sizes/styles are used to portray different meanings and matters of importance throughout.
A nice little feature is the "+" section on the right hand-side. This is what makes GQ different to its competition and i quite like the idea of symbols on the front of the magazine to lure the audience over to something other than your usual lexis.

Magazine Analysis [2]

For Him Magainze, more formally known as FHM oringinally known as FH (For Him) in 1985. A classic home style with the big 'FHM' logo glued to the top of left of the magazine but slightly cut out by the model shown in the image, this is due to the fact that when someone sees the big red 'FH' they immediately know what magazine they are picking up to look at.

A bonus strip is printed to the top right of the magazine page, this is a promotional offer which shows funding and advertisement straight off the bat.

This is not a music magazine however it has helped me develop a more homely house style to my magazine and has influenced the contents being on down the left hand side as well as the almost cheesy tag line "Shows you the ropes!" which is a clear indication that men want to know what Torrie Wilson is hiding beneath those ropes around her shoulders saying that it is revealed inside the magazine will garuntee a sale to the average man.


Magazine Analysis [1]

Mixmag is a British dance music and clubbing magazine. It claims to be the biggest and best clubbing/rave music magazine in the world. It has become recognised for its old school and classic layout. On every issue of the magazine the format is exactly the same only the words/phrases have been changed as well as the colouring. Obviously the pictures have been changed to keep up do date with the fashion and taste.

Every week they feature a different album that they promote for up and coming artists or famous artists which are planning on touring or playing shows. Occcassionally they promote their own mix CD's for seasons or holidays.

We are going to use a similar house style because a house style is what makes a magazine what it is and what gives it the popularity and for the fans to notice their product.

We shall establish upon the 'featuring' idea and the promotion of upcoming artists or people on tours at the moment.


Brainstorm of ideas

Here is a brainstorm of all the ideas which come to mind when creating a music magazine, the brainstorms puts forward suggestions of images, institutions, competitions and other various topics as shown above.


Initial Research

Before starting our magazine, we have to research many other magazines to adopt styles and use of language. We wish to use a style which inhabits a use of colloquial language as well as being conservative in our approach. We are aiming for our audience to be between 16 and 35. This means we will have to reference new bands and music which is heard by this market. That is why we have chosen to have to core of our magazine to be dance. This includes genres such as techno, Drum and Bass, experimental etc. So it would be appropriate to research other music magazines as well as standard ‘Lad’s Mags ’. The aim of doing this is to get a bigger picture on what sells and what people will buy and consider a great buy which applies well to a majority crowd. We will also look at cult magazines and see what aspects of that make it high in quality and what makes it have a great following.
